Credit Help Program

Join in April for $99. NO monthly fee.

Credit Score Improvement Plan
After reviewing your credit reports, we will create a written plan for you that explains what needs to be done to improve your scores to 700 and beyond. The key to improving your credit scores is to follow our advice and stick to working the plan.

Dispute Service: 3 Rounds / No Charge
We will identify negative accounts that qualify to be disputed with the credit bureaus and dispute them for you. By law there are no guarantees; however, it is possible for the bureaus to remove them. We will dispute up to 3 rounds for you at no additional charge.

“I turned to Credit Expert for help and guidance when my scores stunk and have never looked back. I followed their advice and my (then) 545 credit scores are now approaching 800.”
– Dusty, Sioux Falls, SD

Let us get you on track to raise your scores to 700 and beyond!

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